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Simply Galicia is a trade mark.
By using this on-line shop, the User is aware and agrees that Simply Galicia and its team may collect personal and commercial information, which is information that identifies an individual or relates to an identifiable individual. This information is collected through fill-in forms. Some of the information requested is mandatory and necessary for processing the User’s requests. Information stored and collected is processed by the Simply Galicia team and its commercial partners in order to provide the User the best service he/she requests under the best conditions.
Moreover, the User is aware and agrees that this personal data may be communicated to the Contributors as part of the claims process or for rectifications made on the website or to the software. They can also be communicated to commercial partners in order to carry out commercial processing.
The automatic processing of personal data has been declared to the Authority in charge of legal data protection in Spain. In respect of the law you can access, update, change and ask for the removal of your personal information at any time by writing to this address : or contact us at:
C/ Justo Martínez nº 22, bajo,
36680 - A Estrada, Pontevedra
Finally, the User is aware and agrees that Simply Galicia can reveal and communicate your personal information in case of express order from a judge or a Court of Justice.
SIMPLY GALICIA website belongs to SIMPLY TRAVEL S.L.U. with location in C/ Justo Martínez nº 22, first floor, 36680 - A Estrada, Pontevedra, Spain, CIF - B70382395 and represented by Marta Ribadulla Nogueira with NIF 44843314F. The Owner offers in his website contents and information on his activities.
The present general conditions govern only and exclusively the use of the website of SIMPLY GALICIA by the USERS that access to the website. The present general conditions are visible to the USER in the website and in all and each one of the pages and every time that an USER enters his data in the forms, so the USER can read them, print them, file and accept through internet, not being able to the USER enter his data without having accepted these conditions.
SIMPLY TRAVEL SLU is inscribed in the Mercantile Register of Pontevedra, Leaf PO63040, Volume 4224, Sheet 210, Registration 2nd.
The access to the website of SIMPLY GALICIA involves the fully acceptance of the present general conditions that the USER affirms to understand completely. The USER promise not to use the website and the services offered for the realisation of activities against the law and to respect at all times the present general conditions.
1.1.-The use of the website of SIMPLY GALICIA does not comport the forcing of registration of the USER, except if this USER wish to use the database of existent articles in where will be precise that register covering a basic form, this subscription will govern by the specific general conditions. The conditions of access and use of the present website govern strictly by the valid legality and by the principle of good faith engaging the USER to realise a good use of the web. They remain forbidden all the acts that vulneren the legality, rights or interests of third: right to the privacy, data protection, copyright etc. On purpose SIMPLY GALICIA forbids the following:
1.1.1.- Realise actions that can produce in the website or through the same by any half any type of damage to the systems of SIMPLY GALICIA or to third.
1.1.2.- Realise without the owed permission any type of advertising or commercial information directly or of form concealed, the sending of massive posts ("spaming") or sending of big messages with the end to block servers of the network ("mail bombing").
1.2.- SIMPLY GALICIA Will be able to interrupt anytime the access to his website if it detects a contrary use to the legality, the good faith or to the present general conditions- see clause fifth.
SECOND.- CONTENTS.- The contents included in this website have been elaborated and included by:
2.1.- SIMPLY GALICIA using internal and external sources. SIMPLY GALICIA is only responsible by the contents elaborated internally.
2.2.- SIMPLY GALICIA owns the right to modify anytime the existent contents in his website.
THIRD.- RIGHT OF AUTHOR AND MARK.- SIMPLY GALICIA is a mark registered. It remains forbidden the extraneous utilisation by any half of the mark of SIMPLY GALICIA , that includes so much the name like the logo, except consent express of SIMPLY GALICIA. They remain reserved all the rights. Besides, the website of SIMPLY GALICIA - the own contents, the programming and the design of the website- finds fully protected by the rights of author, remaining on purpose forbidden all reproduction, communication, distribution and transformation of the referred elements protected except consent express of SIMPLY GALICIA.
FOURTH.- JURISDICTION AND APPLICABLE LAW.- These Terms of Service will be governed by the Spanish legislation. Any claims, legal proceeding or litigation arising in connection with the Service will be brought solely in Santiago de Compostela and you consent to the jurisdiction of such courts.
FIFTH.- In case that any clause of the present document was declared invalid, the other clauses will remain valid and will be interpreted taking into account the will of the parts and the purpose of the present conditions. SIMPLY GALICIA might not exercise any of the rights and faculties conferred in this document without involving the renunciation to the conditions, unless SIMPLY GALICIA recognizes it.
SIXTH.- For the development of his activity SIMPLY GALICIA owns the administrative authorization type XG-529 of General Direction of Tourism, with date of resolution 13/08/2013 and date of extinction 13/08/2023.