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23 ene, 2024

This is how some of the protagonists of the Galician Entroido look like

Publicado Por: Simply Galicia En: Our Recommendations Comentario: 0 Golpear: 227

Although we still have to wait a couple more weeks to see how the peliqueiros, cigarróns, boteiros, mázcaras or Xenerais take to the streets to celebrate the carnival, some Galician municipalities have already kicked off one of the most anticipated dates in Galicia. Today we review the main carnivals of the community and its main protagonists.

Xinzo de Limia and the pantallas

Xinzo de Limia has already started its Entroido on Saturday January 20 with its Saturday do Petardazo and also with the Fareleiro Sunday. And it is that this municipality hosts the longest carnival in Spain, with an extension of five weekends.

The great protagonist in Xinzo de Limia is the pantalla. These characters are covered with a mask, the pantalla, made of a single piece of paper pulp and painted in a manner reminiscent of the devil.

Verín and the cigarróns

The Entroido of Verín has the recognition of International Tourist Interest and its cigarróns are the outstanding characters of the event. Their costume is elaborated in the most extravagant way, with mask included, and they carry a weight of up to 25 kilos.

Verín will remind you of the Xoves de Compadres and the Xoves de Comadres, the Luns Fareleiro or the Domingo Corredoiro.

Boteiros, folións and androlla in Viana do Bolo

If the Entroido and gastronomy go together, in Viana do Bolo they do it even more strongly. This municipality also celebrates the feast of the androlla, a typical pork sausage of the region and of the time.

If we talk about the most representative figure of Viana do Bolo, we will find the boteiro, with his face covered by a mask covered in a penato and a multicolored costume with silk ribbon. And, finally, the folións will be the groups that we will find in the street during these dates.

Cobres and its ladies and gallants
There are already references to the carnival of Cobre in the eighteenth century, and its ladies and gallants, accompanied by a brass band, make the municipality one of the most colorful and elegant places to enjoy the Galician Entroido.

Laza and the peliqueiros

The Carnival of Laza, considered the most enxebre of Galicia, is known for the peliqueiros. These are masked characters dressed in colorful costumes, masks and carrying bells tied to their waists that produce a distinctive sound as they walk.

During the festivities, the peliqueiros roam the streets of Laza, participating in parades and performing pranks. Their main function is to chase away evil spirits and kick off the carnival celebrations.

It is also necessary to mention the mázcaras of Manzaneda, the Xenerais do Ulla with its atranques and vivas, the felos of Maceda, the boteiros of Vilariño de Conso, the Entroido of Foz, the Entroido of Pontevedra or the Enterro da Sardiña of Marín, among the many possibilities that Galicia offers us in these dates.

If you do not decide on just one Entroido, click here to know the program of all of them.

Etiquetas: Entroido Carnival


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